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Problems to watch for in growing children


Malocclusions (“bad bites”) like those illustrated below, may benefit from early diagnosis and referral to an orthodontic specialist for a full evaluation.


Crossbite of front teeth

Top teeth are behind bottom teeth

Crossbite of back teeth

Top teeth are to the inside of  bottom teeth


Open bite

Front teeth do not meet when back teeth are closed




Deep bite




The lower teeth sit in front of upper teeth when back teeth are closed



Oral habits

Sucking on thumb, fingers


In addition, if you notice any of the following in your child, check with your orthodontist:


  • early or late loss of baby teeth
  • difficulty in chewing or biting
  • mouth breathing
  • jaws that shift or make sounds
  • speech difficulties
  • biting the check or the roof of the mouth
  • facial imbalance
  • grinding or clenching of the teeth.


Final treatment decisions should be made among the parent, child’s dentist and orthodontist.

Recommended by Dr.Garo Anjer and his team at the Confi Dental beauty care

Confidental Beauty Care
Beregovaya st., 4, building 10